What Are The Most Common Springtime Illnesses?

springtime allergies

Spring is almost here, and you know what that means—warm weather, outdoor activities, and fun for the whole family! But did you know it also means a whole new set of seasonal illnesses are about to strike? We often do not think of the common spring illnesses that pop up, but if we ignore them, it could lead to health issues that ruin the season.

At California Urgent Care Center, we want you to enjoy the best health this spring. This is why we have gathered a list of common spring illnesses, symptoms, and what you can do about them.

Common Spring Illnesses to Watch Out For

  1. Allergies – Not only is springtime a period of rejuvenation for nature, it is also the season of allergies. Freshly blooming plants pour pollen into the air, which then goes up our noses and causes our allergies to flare up. Allergy symptoms can include congestion, itchy eyes, sneezing, and a runny nose. To help combat allergies, try to wash up after you have been outside for long periods. Be sure to have an air purifier in your home and take other steps to keep allergens out. Finally, you can take over-the-counter (OTC) or prescription medications as directed to get relief.
  2. Asthma – With allergens in the air, heat, and increased physical activity, asthma sufferers can find their symptoms acting up too. These symptoms include coughing, shortness of breath, and wheezing. Asthma can be a life-threatening condition, so it is important to take your illness seriously. Try to avoid triggers, and use any prescriptions (such as a rescue inhaler) when you feel an asthma attack coming on. Consult a physician for further guidance about treating your condition.
  3. Lyme Disease – This tick-borne illness is common in the spring due to insects and bugs becoming active in the warm weather. A bite from an infected tick can lead to headache, body pain, tiredness, a fever, or a “bulls-eye rash.” This disease could affect your nervous system or heart, so contact a doctor immediately if you suspect you have been infected. To avoid contracting Lyme disease, try to stay out of wooded areas with long unattended grass. Wear pants and long-sleeved shirts when out in nature and always check your skin and your clothing for ticks when you get home from a trip outdoors. If you find a tick on your skin, carefully remove it with a set of tweezers.

Other illnesses that often occur in the spring include:

  • Allergic Pink Eye
  • Rhinovirus
  • Gastroenteritis
  • Insect Allergies

Should I Go to Urgent Care for a Common Spring Illness?

These illnesses often are not life-threatening, though they can be in the case of asthma and some Lyme disease infections. Visiting a medical specialist at our urgent care facility may be a better solution than sitting in the waiting room at an ER. Our facilities have the ability to see patients in a shorter amount of time than most emergency rooms. Come check out one of our convenient locations. You can call to set up an appointment or you can just come to see us, walk-ins are welcome.

Further Reading:




